Twenty one!!

by - 6:37 AM

 Here is a lil film slop from my adventures in February.

So here are a few crazy updates on life recently:
-I turned TWENTY ONEEE!! It feels so crazy and unreal. I feel proper old now??
-I'm graduating (probably) at the end of this semester which is less than a week away
-The end of all the restrictions means that all the stores are open again

This is bunny island (Okunoshima) in Japan!! The cutest place ever

So here is a few things I've learnt at 21:
- Breakdowns and crying for 10 hours straight is okay because it will actually make you feel better after
- Exercise will also make you feel better after
- Just because your friends are living their life differently does not mean you are living life wrong/ you have to do the same
- Broken hearts take more than 2 days to heal but no matter how much it hurts it won't kill you
- People lose feelings and sometimes theres nothing you can do but move on
- Distance does not account for friendship quality - good friends are good friends and will love & check up on you even if they don't live in the same place as you whereas..
- Wear what you want because trends are always always changing and wear what makes you happy
- Stay true & kind so you don't regret anything in the future
- No one has life figured out
- Say yes more & say no more too.
- It might not be perfect but its all going to be alright

Also, does anyone ever think of just packing up all their stuff and flying to a whole another city and starting a whole new life. I've been dreaming more and more of it recently. I think about how I would wear a whole different outfit then I do at home. I dream about all the new cafes I could discover and all the new people I could meet.

The scariest thing is if I saved up I honestly just could?? It would be such a shame to live here, in this small town my whole life. I think the reason why I've been thinking about it more and more is because I no longer have a reason to stay. It's just been a lingering thought I've been having...

I have an exam tomorrow so I should probably go study.

ciao :((

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  1. Loved this!! Happy 21st, i turned 21 this year too, a very mad time to be thinking about "adulthood" and the future in this current climate, but here's to both of those things anyways!! <3

    Zoe xo

  2. I loved reading this! Happy birthday and congratulations on graduating too! I hope you had an amazing day! I'm turning 21 this August and it just feels so crazy! I don't even know how to describe it really, but time is flying by too fast! Thanks for sharing this, I hope you're having a great day! :)

  3. Hope your exam went well! And happy 21st! I turned 21 early this month and feel like I've had a crisis ah lol. So mad! Hope you will be celebrating graduating too. xxx
