by - 6:49 AM

From small hidden alleys filled with small cafes wafting of fresh coffee beans and the promise of assortments of sweets and foods, invaluable goods and new secrets wanders my family.

It's been about three days since my arrival in Japan and to be honest I've been exhausted. I've been wanting sleep and a feeling of ease but rather uncertainty and stress piles up on my mind. It's just the start of a long journey and all I want is to have some alone time, talk to my actual friends or go for a run but right now all three things seem close to impossible.

Japan's weather is moody. It's hot and humid then windy and cold. The two days I arrived were so hot that I felt like I was in a sauna but now I leave the door with a sweater.

That aside, today I travelled to Shimokitazawa and walked around the streets, passing from window to window.
 There are so many new stores to discover and admire.
Although it's a new town for me, I felt like you could really discover some treasure in this city. There are so many interesting small retailers, it's a gold mine especially for those interested in vintage fashion.

Despite all the walking, tiredness and exciting landscape of city life my mind can't help to travel to other thoughts. Somehow, it feels unreal, like I'm not truly present. I was tired. 

 Despite all these thoughts of confusion and loneliness, tiredness... there are so many places I want to discover. So many stores I want to enter. So many foods I want to try. 

It's exciting. It really is.

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  1. These are such gorgeous photos, I hope you're enjoying Japan despite the tiredness! I hopefully will be visiting Japan next year and I cant wait! xo

  2. Keep writing more on your experiences in this new place. I love the reality of the contrasts you're faced with and your honestly with them. Plus the pictures are amazing.
    Louise x

  3. I love these photos man, it's so interesting hearing about life in Japan! I hope the excitement continues and you discover all the lil beauties of where you are x
